Results for 'John S. Libretto'

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  1.  22
    Contrafreeloading as a function of early environmental rearing conditions.Stephen F. Davis, Barbara G. Beighley, John S. Libretto, Mary Nell Mollenhour & Robert E. Prytula - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):595-597.
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    “Einstein's baby” could infer intentionality.John S. Watson - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):719-720.
    Some implications of Tomasello et al.'s theory derive from incorporating a variant of a common assumption that humans are biologically adapted to take an intentional stance in relation to conspecifics. I argue that, rather than being cued, intentions and other dispositional states may be inferred logically from an evolved commitment to determinism and evidence of state-dependent behavior.
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    Evidensbaseret eller menigheden af «ikke-troende»? Tilsvar fra John Brodersen, Peter Laurs Sørensen, Fía Lindenskov og Lonny Henriksen.John Brodersen, Peter Laurs Sørensen, Fía Lindenskov & Lonny Henriksen - 2009 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):86-88.
    I sin udmærkede kommentar til vores artikel «En etisk diskussion af screening for kræftsygdomme» beskriver Geir Hoff den udtalte mangel på evidens vedrørende nytteværdien af screeningsprogrammer for kræftsygdomme baseret på randomiserede studier. Ydermere fremhæver Geir Hoff misforholdet mellem den manglende evidens ved screening og de strenge krav, der er til evidensen i den farmaceutiske industri. Dette er en velkommen kritik, pga. en udtalt ukritisk og uvidenskabelig tilgang til anvendelse af screening for denne eller hin sygdom eller risikofaktor.
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    Four studies in st John, I: The man born blind.John Bligh & J. S. - 1966 - Heythrop Journal 7 (2):129–144.
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    Whitehead's failure.John S. Lawrence - 1970 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 7 (4):427-435.
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    Anxiety in Eden: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Paradise Lost.John S. Tanner - 1992 - Oup Usa.
    Tanner uses Kierkegaard's thought, in particular his theory of anxiety, to enrich a bold new reading of Milton's Paradise Lost. He argues that for Milton and Kierkegaard, the path to sin and to salvation lies through anxiety, and that both writers include anxiety within the compass of paradise. The first half of the book explores anxiety in Eden before the Fall, original sin, the aetiology of evil, and prelapsarian knowledge. The second half examines anxiety after the Fall, offering original insights (...)
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    Penelhum’s Replica Objection.John S. Morreall - 1976 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 25:86-102.
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    Time and myth.John S. Dunne - 1973 - Notre Dame [Ind.]: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The reviews of this book which greeted its appearance in America, where it won a Catholic Press Association Religious Book Award, speak for themselves. 'The real core of the book is the question that is raised - the demanding bone-crushing question we all face - alone - at one time - the question of death/life and immortality. In these few pages we set out on a journey - one that winds its way among ancient stories and myths ... one's constant (...)
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  9. Berkeley's Criticism of Abstract Ideas.John S. Linnell - 1954 - Dissertation, University of Minnesota
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    The Dao of the Military: Liu An's Art of War.John S. Major - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Translation previously published in: The Huainanzi. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
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    Swedenborg's principles of usefulness: social reform thought from the enlightenment to American pragmatism.John S. Haller - 2020 - West Chester, Pennsylvania: Swedenborg Foundation.
    Swedenborg's Principles of Usefulness presents a possibly unsuspected historical undercurrent that further evidences Emanuel Swedenborg's pervasive influence on a whole host of historical figures-from poets and artists to philosophers and statesmen-whose contributions to the evolution of self and society have resonated throughout time and into the present. Besides having an impact on individual thinkers, Swedenborg's ideas worked their way into the various social reform traditions that vitalized the American landscape during the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. His concept of usefulness, best (...)
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  12.  29
    Healthcare and the politics of austerity.John S. Drummond - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (1):1-1.
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    Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn.John S. Major & Sarah A. Queen (eds.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    A major resource expanding the study of early Chinese philosophy, religion, literature, and politics, this book features the first complete English-language translation of the_ Luxuriant Gems of the "Spring and Autumn"_,_ _one of the key texts of early Confucianism. The work is often ascribed to the Han scholar and court official Dong Zhongshu, but, as this study reveals, the text is in fact a compendium of writings by a variety of authors working within an interpretive tradition that spanned several generations, (...)
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    Structural Analogies of the Story of Jacob in Genesis 25-30.John S. Robertson - 1983 - Semiotics:435-444.
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    The Essential Huainanzi.John S. Major, Sarah Queen, Andrew Meyer & Harold D. Roth (eds.) - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Compiled in the second century B.C.E, the _Huainanzi_ clarifies a crucial period in the development of Chinese conceptions of the cosmos, human nature, and the social order. Outlining "all that a modern monarch needs to know," the text emphasizes rigorous self-cultivation and mental discipline, attributing successful rule to a balance of broad knowledge, diligent application, and penetrating wisdom. In 2010, the editors of this volume completed the first complete English-language translation of the _Huainanzi_, opening exciting new pathways in the study (...)
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  16. Diaspora Discourse: The Construction of.John S. Kloppenborg - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Approaches, opportunities and priorities in the rhetoric of political inquiry: A critical synthesis.John S. Nelson - 1988 - Social Epistemology 2 (1):21 – 42.
    (1988). Approaches, opportunities and priorities in the rhetoric of political inquiry: A critical synthesis. Social Epistemology: Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 21-42.
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  18. Human rights and public accountability in H.G. Wells' functional world state.John S. Partington - 2007 - In Diane Morgan & Gary Banham, Cosmopolitics and the Emergence of a Future. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  19. Undocumented Persons and the Liberal State.John S. W. Park - 1996 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 6 (1):16-30.
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    A new look at old linear measures.John S. Reid - 1989 - Annals of Science 46 (3):221-248.
    The maker of a regularly divided scale is faced with a task of such conceptual simplicity that he is bound to fail, such is the nature of real materials and men. Using sophisticated modern measuring tools, we can now accurately chart the error in every division of an old linear scale. The resulting pattern of errors across the scale provides a unique signature, containing a random component that could not be precisely repeated by the artisan, and a systematic component, reflecting (...)
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    Essays on Educational Reformers.Robert Herbert Quick.John S. Mackenzie - 1891 - International Journal of Ethics 1 (2):257-259.
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    Present Tendencies in Speculative Philosophy.John S. Mackenzie - 1927 - Philosophy 2 (8):449-462.
    According to Plato, it is the aim of Philosophy to furnish us with a certain vision of all time and all existence. This must always have seemed a large and difficult undertaking; but the opening years of the present century have already introduced considerable changes in our estimation of magnitudes. We are learning to think of modes of existence that are much more minute and of others that are much larger than any that had previously been conceived with any definiteness. (...)
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    The Present Outlook in Social Philosophy.John S. Mackenzie - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (1):55-68.
    There has been a great deal of valuable work done in the department of Social Philosophy in recent years; and, though much of it has been of a controversial character, it seems possible to indicate some leading conceptions about which there is not now very much difference of opinion, and which may be taken as furnishing a firm basis for future work. Many of the older conceptions—such as the Divine Right of Kings, the Social Contract, and the unqualified emphasis on (...)
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  24. Urbanization, ethnic groups, and social segmentation.John S. MacDonald & Leatrice D. MacDonald - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Pai Wen P'ien, or the Hundred Questions: A Dialogue between Two Taoists on the Macrocosmic and Microcosmic System of Correspondences.John S. Major & Rolf Homann - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):341.
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    Tropal History and the Social Sciences: Reflections on Struever's Remarks.John S. Nelson - 1980 - History and Theory 19 (4):80-101.
    Struever argues that White's emphasis on language, use of tropology, and adherence to formalism render his theory ahistorical. However, like White, she fails to define either her terms or her rationale for contrasting tropological with topological rhetoric, fails to take responsibility for our times, and fails to delineate clearly her views on the dynamics of history. What is required is further research and elaboration of White's tropal philosophy. A program for this study includes the clarification of a rhetoric for inquiry, (...)
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    Recommendations for Describing Statistical Studies and Results in General Readership Science and Engineering Journals.John S. Gardenier - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):651-662.
    This paper recommends how authors of statistical studies can communicate to general audiences fully, clearly, and comfortably. The studies may use statistical methods to explore issues in science, engineering, and society or they may address issues in statistics specifically. In either case, readers without explicit statistical training should have no problem understanding the issues, the methods, or the results at a non-technical level. The arguments for those results should be clear, logical, and persuasive. This paper also provides advice for editors (...)
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  28. The Lands Between.John S. Badeau - 1958
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    Incorrigible Beliefs and Democratic Deliberation: A Critique of Stanley Fish.John S. Brady - 2006 - Constellations 13 (3):374-393.
  30. A History of the Problems of Education.John S. Brubacher - 1966 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (3):124.
  31. Egg distributions of insect parasitoids: Modelling and analysis of temporal data with host density dependence.John S. Fenlon, Malcolm J. Faddy, Menia Toussidou & Michael E. Courcy Williamdes - forthcoming - Acta Biotheoretica.
    A simple numerical procedure is presented for the problem of estimating the parameters of models for the distribution of eggs oviposited in a host. The modelling is extended to incorporate both host density and time dependence to produce a remarkably parsimonious structure with only seven parameters to describe a data set of over 3,000 observations. This is further refined using a mixed model to accommodate several large outliers. Both models show that the level of superparasitism declines with increasing host density, (...)
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    The status of the sexual good as a direction for moral theology.John S. Grabowski - 1994 - Heythrop Journal 35 (1):15–34.
  33. The Dominant Man.John S. Price - 1973 - Journal of Biosocial Science 5 (1):143.
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    Map logic and other extensions of traditional logic.John S. Rybak - 1973 - Sydney: [the authors, 8 Stratford Avenue, Denistone, 2114]. Edited by Janet M. Rybak.
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    ?Liturgical mysticism?John Bligh & J. S. - 1961 - Heythrop Journal 2 (4):333–344.
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    ed. Present-Day Thinkers and the New Scholasticism.John S. Zybura - 1927 - Philosophical Review 36:508.
  37. Priesthood's pledge: Eucharist and tradition in the byzantine rite of ordination.John S. Custer - 2007 - Gregorianum 88 (2):373-386.
    The Byzantine rite of ordination to the presbyterate culminates in the conferral of a portion of the Eucharist upon the newly-ordained by the bishop. After reviewing the historical roots of this rite, this article examines the philological and biblical background of the term. Parakatathêkê coincides with the notion of paradosis but goes beyond it in personal and eschatological senses. Three simultaneous but distinct acts of personal transmission are highlighted: the personal participation of the newly-ordained in the apostolic ministry of the (...)
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    Some Issues In International Marketing.John S. Ewing & M. Y. Yoshino - 1966 - Business and Society 7 (1):3-10.
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    The new testament (n. E. B.).John Bligh & J. S. - 1961 - Heythrop Journal 2 (3):199–215.
  40. Modern Philosophies of Education.John S. Brubacher & R. Freeman Butts - 1940 - Ethics 50 (2):238-239.
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    The Moral Attractiveness of Violence.John S. Lawrence - 1970 - Journal of Social Philosophy 1 (1):7-9.
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    Chapter Six–Time: The Uncertainty of Frame or Content.John S. Kafka - 2004 - In Paul Harris & Michael Crawford, Time and uncertainty. Boston: Brill. pp. 11--79.
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    The missionary role of mainstream Christianity: Towards a narrative paradigm for social integration of minorities in pluralistic post-apartheid South Africa.John S. Klaasen - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (2):01-09.
    This article attempts to add to the existing approaches of practical theology and specifically to the missionary approaches of mainline churches towards immigrants. This is an attempt to enhance the mission amongst immigrants by critically engaging with the two approaches, namely: mainstream and margins and pillarization. Notwithstanding the important contributions that these two approaches make to tolerance, integration and cohesion of differences I seek to point out some serious limitations of the two approaches. These limitations include social coercion, co-option, relativism (...)
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    The diatonic scale: More than meets the ear.John S. Lawrence - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (2):281-291.
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  45. Introduction.John Treloar & J. S. - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (2).
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  46. The Way of All the Earth: An Encounter with Eastern Religions.John S. Dunne - 1974 - Religious Studies 10 (1):112-113.
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    Taking Positional Conflicts of Interest Seriously.John S. Dzienkowski - 1990 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 9 (1-2):109-128.
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    Conflicts of care: Hospital ethics committees in the usa and germany.John S. Drummond - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (3):212-214.
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    Review of John S. Dryzek: Rational Ecology: Environment and Political Economy[REVIEW]John S. Dryzek - 1987 - Ethics 100 (1):192-195.
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    An Introduction to Philosophy.John S. Marshall - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (2):265-266.
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